1) What is your in-game name? - Age
2) What Class are you? - Druid
3) How old are you? - 24
4) Where are you from? - I'm from the Philippines but am currently residing in Doha, Qatar
5) Can you understand fluent English? - Yes
6) Have you had any previous raiding experience and where? - Yes with this druid and my other lvl 70 hunter. Karazhan(Attunmen, Moroes, Curator, All Opera Bosses, Chess, Aran, Netherspite, Prince) Gruul's Lair, Zul'Aman till first boss(though with my hunter)
7) Are you attuned with any raid instances within the game? - Karazhan
8 ) If you were contributing to a raid, what role would you take (Tank, Healer, DPS)? - Tank/DPS, and I can respec resto but I have never healed ever...and I'm not really inclined to the idea of healing
9) What is the name of your current guild and could you give us a reference? - None, my old guilds in this server were Omen, Release your Rage, and Nyctophobia
10) Why have you decided to leave/have left your current guild? - My previous before applying here was Nyctophobia. I left because the guild was disbanding, due to the reason of not enough active members according to the Guild Leader. (But IMO it was because he was a bad GL)
11) Do you have ventrilo? - I did but had it uninstalled due to a format. I can get in installed if required
12) Do you have any raid friendly add-ons? Such as KTM, Omen, Deadly Boss Mods ectect. - Omen and DBM
13) Would you be willing to wipe endlessly on a new boss encounter to the guild and be able to keep good spirits? - Yes as long as it takes
...or as long as I can be online
14) What kind of gear do you wear (mostly greens, mostly blues, mostly PvP Epics, mostly PvE epics)? - PVP Epics, Some karazhan items, heroic badge items, and clefthoof set.
15) How did you hear about Hyperion? - Your ad in the sporeggar forums.
16) Why do you want to join Hyperion? - Because I am currently looking for a raiding guild that actually raids ^^
17) Do you know any members of Hyperion? - Don't think so.
18 ) Is there anything you want to tell us before you submit your application? Maybe just a little bit about yourself and game-time =).
I'm a mechanical engineer student, so my raiding times are limited to:
Sundays: 5pm-11pm Game time
Mondays: 4pm-8pm Game time
Tuesdays: 5pm-11pm Game time
Wednesdays: 4pm-8pm Game time
Thursdays: 7pm-the next morning if I can
Fridays: 3pm-the next morning ^^
Saturdays: 5pm-9pm Game time
Of course this can change if I have a test or a report due ^^